Our Awesome Evaluation Services


CLTD offers support to academic staff to conduct evaluations of their teaching and courses for the purposes of continuing professional learning, enhancement of learning and teaching practice as well as accountability.

Wits Policy

In line with the Wits policy on evaluations of teaching, the evaluations team encourages staff to use different lenses to solicit feedback on teaching practice. To achieve this, support is provided to staff on how to conduct peer reviews, engage with student evaluations, and reflective practice for professional learning. The Team manages the student evaluations process using the online system.


Each Term the Team organizes opportunities to support staff with information on how to effectively use the online system, take advantage of the different affordances of the system, and to make sense of evaluation reports. Generally, there are three ways in which the team provides support to staff: organized professional learning opportunities (workshops & webinars), self-help documents, and individual consultation as needs arise.